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"God does not call the equipped; He equips the called.” This common saying makes it sound easy to trust and obey God, but we know our flesh fights Him. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible, it means that we need to dig into the hard, uncomfortable, and challenging. This is true with healthy living, but most important in fulfilling the command to
“Go and make disciples of all nations,” Jesus’ last words on earth to His disciples. (Matthew 28:19). Sometimes sharing the practical aspects of eating God’s food, moving our bodies, and giving up junk is easier than being bold about sharing the greatest truth – the Gospel.

What Do I Do?
for “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How then are they to call on Him in whom they have not believed? How are they to believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how are they to hear without a preacher? But how are they to preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of
good things!” However, they did not all heed the good news; for Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our report?” So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.
Romans 10:13-17
4 Simple Steps
1. Tell them about God’s love. Almost everyone has heard John 3:16. We can use this beautiful summary of the Gospel, but there are many other ways to share about God’s love. Some doubt His love because of their sin, some because of heartbreak. Share about His love from your own experiences or how you’ve seen it in their lives when they haven’t. In today’s culture, you will probably need to share that God’s love means He wants the best for us based on His full and complete knowledge of everything, not based on what we want or desire.
2. Share the problem—separation from God. God is holy and perfect. We are not. Even one mistake – sin – separates us from Him. Every single one of us has sinned and created that separation. Ask questions about what they think about sin and punishment for it, emphasizing that our view of fairness is not God’s. We deserve to pay the penalty for every sin we’ve committed. Instead, God offers grace.
3. Talk about God’s remedy—the cross. Do they know about Jesus’ crucifixion? That it’s one of the most attested to ancient historical facts? What are their thoughts? Why did such a good man die? The Jewish leaders pushed for His death because they understood He claimed to be God. Discuss how Jesus’ innocent death wasn’t just about the physical, but also about drinking the wrath of God for us. He has done this for us and all the proofs for His miraculous resurrection. However, like any gift that has been purchased for us, we must accept it for it to be ours.
4. Our response—repent and believe. Once we realize we’re a sinner separated from the one and only Lord of the universe, we simply need to repent (confess and turn away) from our sins and believe He is who He says He is. When leading someone to respond, ask the Holy Spirit to help you lead them in prayer or know when they can lead themselves by His prompting.

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