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Miracles are still happening.

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Every cook can create wholesome, mouthwatering meals at home!

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Launch a Biblical Wellness Revolution in your church!

amen day

 Over this last decade we have had many opportunities to attend events where Annette  was a featured speaker. She always shares a message about Biblical nutrition that includes  scripture that helps you to choose foods that will enable healthier eating and in turn, will benefit your body both mentally and physically.

Donald Blake

President and Chairman of Virginia Christian Alliance

I found out I had fatty liver. Then, I started in January following your five healthy eating tips. I have been doing well. God is good.
My stomach feels so much better. That feeling that a football is in my stomach is gone.

Also, my EBS is better. I have only been on this for a little over a month. Praise the Lord.

Karen Gadsby

Biblical healthy eating "foodie"

Thank you Annette! I started following you on Youtube and I am so loving your videos not only because you share benefits of good wholesome food but to incorporate the Bible and God's Word with the food He created. I am so eager to learn from you and I hope to incorporate this to my practice as well.
Thank you!

Narissa Medina

M.S., R.D.N.
